Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Addressing accessibility | Fix the Web
Fix the Web is offering a solution!
Disabled people report problems in under a minute.
Volunteers take these issues forward with website owners."
COMPASS THINKPIECE stevegriffiths long v6 2610 - Powered by Google Docs
'Dark Times for Those who Cannot Work'
No Competence, No Compassion in Incapacity Benefit Reform
The Labour élites do not represent true Labour's position on Welfare Reform:
Voluntary Sector Cuts
Employability in Scotland: Information on Scottish Government Employability best practice & services
Health and Work Newsletter
Jobcentre Plus
03 February 2011
"Here you can read the Health and Work Newsletter which gives information and reviews in terms of the Health and Work agenda."
You can read about:
- IB/IS Reassessment
- Harrington Review of the Work Capability Assessment
- Internal DWP Review of Work Capability Assessment
- Work Choice
- The Equality Act
House of Commons Hansard Written Answers for 07 Feb 2011 (pt 0003)
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
To us, it's an obscure shift of tax law. To the City, it's the heist of the century | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian
BMJ Well Enough to Work.ODT - Google Docs
Well enough to work? -- McCartney 342 --
Employment and Support Allowance: a new harsher test « Brighton Benefits Campaign
A serious problem for sickness claimants today is that their medical assessment is made through the use of a computer program, the ‘Logic Integrated Medical Assessment’ (LiMA). This programme was introduced by DWP’s contractor Atos Origin in 2005 to assess claimants for the old sickness benefit (Incapacity Benefit). Already in December 2005 advice charity Child Poverty Action Group complained of serious problems with Atos’s computer-aided medical assessments in an article entitled ‘The computer says no’ [CPAG 2005]."
Sunday, 6 February 2011
ESA_handbook.doc - Powered by Google Docs
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Scottish Anti-Cuts Alliance established | The Socialist 2 February 2011
Leading members of the PCS took part, as did branches of Unite and the UCU, and the Clydebank Trades Council. The Scottish Pensioners Forum, the disabled rights campaign, the Black Triangle, the National Union of Students and the Glasgow anti-cuts student network were also represented.
In all, 23 anti-cuts and trade union organisations took part in the conference making it the widest and most representative anti-cuts organisation in Scotland.
Cardiff today – The Cardiffian, Cardiff against cuts rally and Catapult class | Cardiff |
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Sukey - A tool for non-violent demonstrations
Work Capability Assessment Statistical Release April 2010 ...
Welcome to Good Advice Matters!
The short answer to this is no, anyone claiming Incapacity Benefit will be transferred to Employment and Support Allowance and will have to take part in the Work Capability Assessment. The transfer of Incapacity Benefit claimants onto Employment and Support Allowance has already started in Aberdeen and Burnley and that process is about to be rolled out across the whole of the country. From April this year the DWP are planning to assess 7000 Incapacity Benefit claimants per week with the figure rising to 11000 claimants per week from May. Anyone claiming Severe Disablement Allowance or Income Support on the grounds of sickness will also be part of this reassessment process.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
DWP seeks data for identity verification service | Kable
"Yesterday Chancellor George Osborne was named top tax shirker in our online poll. He gained 2215 votes - 35% of the total - placing him well ahead of his nearest rival, Arcadia tycoon Sir Philip Green, who attracted 1057 votes. Campaigners from PCS, War on Want, UK Uncut and False Economy presented the prize, a giant jammy dodger, at Tory party headquarters in London's Millbank."
A Big Brother Watch co-conspiritor added: "Isn't it good to see that our freedom-loving government have thrown out those plans for keeping giant databases of information about us?"
Ayes To The Left: Tory "Donorgate" - A Comprehensive List!
David Cameron & Tories
Bankrolled By Companies Set To Make
Millions Out Of NHS Contracts
Awarded By Government After
Radical NHS Reforms
, insurance companies and the big banks and hedge funders etc, who all donate millions to the Tory Party have on Tory policy? On our lives, these are unelected big business, banks and newspaper barons, that are dictating the way we live our lives. Below is a list, a must read, any you see I have left off please post and I will research them and add them on, this is important, this is an outright threat to our democracy, our NHS, our jobs etc. You cannot trust this government, they have blatantly lied, connived, deliberate mislead the us, stole our votes fraudulently, let's kick them out BEFORE they do much more damage and BEFORE they privatise our NHS."
Benefit fraud: spies in the welfare war | Society | The Guardian
Helen Longfield of Oxfam adds: 'We know that most people want to work, that there aren't enough decent, secure jobs and that the government rarely puts an equivalent amount of effort into cracking down on tax evaders, which costs the country far more.'"
Why no mention of kettling disabled protesters? | Society |
UK Parliament - Early Day Motions By Details
That this House commends those people with disabilities who demonstrated outside the headquarters of ATOS to protest at the role of this company in the administration of benefits for people with disabilities, which has resulted in the loss of benefits, increased poverty and suffering; and expresses its concern that a number of demonstrators considered that they werekettled by the police and unduly restricted in their demonstration.